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The New Law and What Hedge Victims Need from It

May 2001


Index pages


The Present Law protects the interests of high-hedge growers; the New Law, which this Government have promised, must equally protect the lifestyle and property of their victim-neighbours.

* Hedge Victims need the new Law to protect against unreasonable overhang from neighbours hedges, and from heavy maintenance demands.

* They need the new Law to protect against loss of light, sunlight in houses and gardens.

* They need the new Law to protect against a high-hedge grower spoiling his neighbour's enjoyment of his house or garden.

* They need it to protect against hedges causing damage and subsidence. There is no effective practical remedy for this for most people at present. Insurance companies monitor subsidence for 4 years before considering action. Private litation is outside the scope of the majority of ordinary people, largely because of the risks and the protracted trauma associated with it. Subsidence and Damage

* They need it to protect against the devastating psychological effects which result from feelings of powerlessness against walls of advancing vegetation.

* They need it to protect against the possibility of the use of hedges for bullying, blackmail, and financial gain and against the circumstances which give rise to victims, in desperation, lowering their neighbours' hedges and, as a result, maybe losing their life savings and years of their lives, because of protracted court cases.

We are not against any individual species; we are against all problem hedges.

United we stand: divided, we just don't have a view


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Copyright Clare, Hedgeline.