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Points the DTLR have Agreed to Consider Carefully

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Points raised in our letter

1. It should be made clear that the 'BRE Guidelines' are only about loss of light and winter sunlight and it should be clearly explained that they are applicable only where the problem is exclusively loss of light and summer sunlight

2. The leaflet should be balanced and the victim given as much dignity and importance as the grower.

3. General points.

4. Further Considerations

(This is a summary of points raised in of our letter of 30th April. Our letter 30th April refers to matters arising from DTLR replies to our letters, to the first draft of the 'Government Advice Leaflet on hedge height' and to the the 'BRE Guidelines on hedge height and light loss'.

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ARCHIVE INDEX - Records Prior to Legislation


This page was written and constructed, and is maintained by Clare.

Created on a Mac
Copyright Clare, Hedgeline.